It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not

-Kurt Cobain

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Alright, so i havent been on this sight for probabaly amost a year im gonna start off fresh..Alright??

So I am A musician...working on a band I have along with my sister and friend..Called Advice Of Adem..thats probably the biggest thing now...and if  for some ungodly reason someone is actually reading this and cares..we will have post some kind of video in the next few weeks..hopefuly.. We have been having issues with the band since I am the guitarist and I broke my wrist about a year ago and it had just recently healed because of the extent of the break...I went through three surgeries and still have to go through phycical it is 2:45 five in the im leaving..

Buh byez :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Here at school.....really bored!!! wondering how football will go this season!!! being the only girl on the team is a butt!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010


have you ever just sat and watched the sun come up??it truly is beautiful waiting for it to get warmer out so i can do somthing,still no pudding were does it all go??listening to toxcity,for some reason its really addicting!



Uhhhhh still figuring out how to use this!!i feel so blonde!i stay at alexis's to much!!shes got me over obsessed with AFI(especially Jade!)so i go into my little emo corner and playing my guitar or piano or whatever other instrument is up in my room and I play even though its 5 in the flippin morning!O_0cause daddy wont let me go to the afi concert,gggrrrrrrrrrrr AFI needs to come to sycamore WE NEED ENTERTAINMENT PLZ THINK OF THE CHILDREN WE SUFFER IN AGONY FROM LACK OF AFI!!(afi if u happen to somehow come across a small town girls blog like mine,seriously come to sycamore ohio!i need some flippin puddin
